Farewell VOX

Last week Six Apart announced they were closing Vox.com that this blog is published through. Although Vox is in need of some work and has a few quirks I feel it never reached it's full potential and am sad to see it go.


I have used the service since I was a beta tester in 2006 and always treated it as a second blog where I post things that the masses are not interested in. More recently this has mostly been silly photos that I have taken and is also linked to my Facebook account. It also had the advantage of being able to upload 2GB of images, audio, and video each month for nothing. I guess the advertising is just not paying for this hosting.


Currently I am copying the blog to my main web site. I always considered the blog disposable and have copies of all the content elsewhere, but it feels better to port the current blog and maybe continue it there. It will still be separate from my main blog and will still have no purpose what so ever.


The service is being closed down a part at the time over the next month but I loose the chance to post soon so I will post the details when I have finished the move to my main blog at http://www.agm.me.uk/blog .


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