The hidden temple of the GPO

I was exploring today with my backpack on my back in the barren wilderness of, err, Shenley. Quite unexpectedly in the middle of a hidden magical forest I came across this. There have been tales passed down generations but I did not think it really existed, never mind that I would get a chance to see it. Back in the old times of the 1980s the kingdom on known as the United Kingdom privatised there telecommunications industry. This was much to the dismay of some who believed in the superiority and majesty of the general post office. They were an outcast group at the time and they erected alters such at these where they worshipped in secret. Sadly they forgot to put a roof on there temples and died out as a result. There is still believed to be one remaining GPOer surviving in exile, called Sid, who hopes to regenerate interest in this ancient religion in years to some.

Please note that this might just possibly be complete rubbish and it is in fact a telecommunications node that just so happens to be in the middle of a wood for technical reasons, but that would be really boring.

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